Teaching will never be the same again

Launched in 2019, Adinergy's model was defined to optimize the transmission of knowledge and experience through academic training in Classroom. We were convinced that the best way to organize this transfer of experience was the confrontation, or meeting, between Instructor and Trainees. 

It is still true but became impossible due to an Unforseeable, Insurmountable and outside of everybody's control event: A virus called Covid-19.

One year after this virus surged over the Planet, we can say it has revolutionized many aspects of our life amongst which: Education.

At Adinergy, like all education actors, we have immediatelly adapted our teaching mode by offering our Power Point presentations through video platforms like Zoom and Teams. The first step was the easiest...

The second step consisted in reworking all the courses in order to adapt them to distance learning. Through the computer screen, without the physical presence and inter-action between the Instructor and the Students, the concentration on the theory displayed in a presentation vanished after 10 minutes. It can also be the same in a classroom when the instructor forgets to maintain his trainees alive...

One of the principle of Adinergy is to make the Trainees actors of their learning. We have understood, when we suddenly had to shift to distance teaching, it was the opportunity to demonstrate this principle.

The use of collaborative platforms (Mural - EvalBox - EvalForm...) are fantastic tools to maintain a dynamic through the whole training duration from the entry evaluation to the final one. After a huge work reviewing the courses, we can say today that our presentations, once adapted to online teaching, are much more interactice than before.

The exemple shown here demonstrates the principle: Instead of presenting the specifications sheet of Aircraft used to support Offshore Operations (Module Air Support Operations of course: Supply Chain in Upstream: Logistics) Trainees, through a collaborative platform, will reconcile the specifications with the aircraft pictures. By this way, they need to go through all specifications before chosing one, hence deepening their knowledge. They are not passive anymore. In the old time, we were only presenting the specifications sheet, hoping trainees would memorize them...

 "Drag and Drop", "Text Boxes", Pictures identification, Video, online auto-evaluation, team works and discussions...the tools are various to definitely keep the Trainees the actors of their learning and make this online training a real opportunity to optimize the transfer of knowledge: A true Live Learning experience !