Purchasing Process
- Duration in hours: 2 x 4h
- Module level: Foundation to Skill
Overview: From the identification and expression of a need to the evaluation and follow-up of Vendor's performance, this module is a detailed study of the Purchasing Process within the loop of the continuous improvement. Golden rules give a frame of Good Practices.
Audience: This course is primarily designed for Buyers but it is also recommended to requester from Technical Department who will learn how to integrate Lead Time in their schedule, will know how to differentiate a SOR from a SOW, and better express their need in order to optimize the Purchasing Process.
Deliverables: Upon completion of this module Trainees will have a full understanding and control of the Purchasing Process whatever they are in Procurement functions or prescribers in Technical Departments. This module intends to improve the Purchasing Process and increase its efficiency by better interacting Requesters and Buyers.
Certificate: The training will be completed by an online test on EvalBox. Upon completion of the training, including the test, participants will be awarded a Certificate of Attendance issued by Adinergy.
- Golden Rules & PDCA cycle: 7 Golden Rules in Purchasing – PDCA Cycle applied to Purchasing Process.
Schedule and define the needs: Internal & External Lead Time – Definition of the “Right” need: SQSCI Criteria – SOR/SOW – Technical/Functional Specifications.
Select a Supplier: Qualification of Vendor – Category Management – OEM – Bidder’s List.
Purchase: Consultation – Evaluation – Cost Structures – Clarification – Negotiation – Award – Purchasing Documents.
Follow-up and receive: Expediting & Reception of the Purchase Order.
Evaluate Vendor’s performance: Vendor’s Evaluation Process – Vendor’s Progress Plan.
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