Respect for Environment
- Duration in hours: 3 x 4h
- Module level: Skill
Overview: At every phase of the Field Life Cycles, the Protection of Environment is an essential process aiming at minimizing the impacts of Operations: Exploration/Drilling - Project/Development - Commissioning/Production - Abandonment/Decommissioning. As any process the Respect for Environment will be deployed in a Continuous Improvement loop in order to monitor and improve the Performance of the Operator.
This module is a complete and deep review of the Environmental issue as managed by the Oil and Gas Operator and his Contractors.
It is essential to understand the pollutions and impacts of Operations on Environment. It will then detail the regulatory framework: the International Conventions and Codes, the Best Available Techniques and the Environmental Baseline Study performed from the early stage of the Operations.
The module will explain what is an Environmental Impact Assessment and how it evolves to a Health and Societal Study in order to meet the Operator's Local Content Requirements and the Company's Social Responsibility commitment.
The Environmental Management System will be reviewed together with all the Plans & Procedures included in the System.
Finally, in order to ensure the continuous improvement, we will review the KPIs used to monitor and improve its Performance in matter of Protection of Environment.
Audience: Head of HSE department, HSE Engineers, HSE Superintendents: All personnel involved in the monitoring of Operator and Contractor performance in term of Respect of Environment.
Deliverables: Upon completion of this module the Trainee will be able to handle the Environment issues in Operator and Contractor's Operations: From the regulatory aspect, the identification and reduction of impacts to the Performance monitoring.
Certificate: The training will be completed by an online test on EvalBox. Upon completion of the training, including the test, participants will be awarded a Certificate of Attendance issued by Adinergy.
Diversity of Issues: Technological Concept - Operational Management - Individual Awareness - Pollution & Impacts of Operations on Environment. -
Regulatory Frame - Best Available Techniques - Environmental Baseline Study: International Environmental Conventions, Codes, Guidelines - BAT - EBS.
Environmental & Societal Impact Assessment: ESIA Content - Impact Severity Evaluation - Mitigation Measures - ESIA Validation.
Environmental Management Plans & Procedures: Definition & Description: The Standard ISO 14001 - EMS – EMP - WMP - CMP – SOPEP - OSCP.
Monitoring & KPIs: Monitoring & Measurements - IOGP Environmental Performance Indicators.
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